Thursday, August 2, 2012

I need to refocus!!!

But who could refocus with all the fun and exciting things happening?!?!

Been hanging with Jillian lately, but I need to get back into my zone and really push it. After this weekend???? Ummm...okay!!!

To all of you near and far and to those of you wondering if I was alive, until next time...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

New Clothes!

Okay, the time had come where it was "do or die" time to buy a dress for my cousin's wedding. Megs and I went shopping and with grim outlooks because we also had to go swimsuit shopping afterwards. Eek.

We went to Dress Barn. Yes, Dress Barn. I really wish they would change the name, it is so off-putting and it just sounds like a place where you buy dresses made out of red handkerchiefs and denim. Not the case. We have shopped there for our special occasion dresses for a few years now and have been pleased every single time. They are reasonably priced and have quite the selection of styles and sizes. Finally a store that my sister and I can shop at THE SAME TIME.

We each found a dress and each dress was completely atypical of us. We actually tried on the same dress, mine had about 17 more yards of fabric, and asked an older gentleman waiting for his wife to get done trying things on, which one of us looked better in the dress. Poor guy. He asked if he really had to choose. Now, you have to know both of us to know that neither one of us were going to be mad or upset if one looked better than the other. After a good look, he said we both looked good, but that I looked REALLY good. SCORE!!! My dress was pretty much chosen at that time, but I continued to try on a few more dresses for the entertainment value. Megs found a dress as well. Hers is a little bedazzled and wicked awesome.

We made the purchase, headed to look for suits. The first store nearly brought me to a panic attack due to the lack of style and sizes I needed. We headed to the second store where we both found suits! We ended up with the same tops, different bottoms since they didn't have bottoms SMALL ENOUGH for her. Yes, really. Sigh.

I knew with the dress that I would need a pair of smoothing panties to help eliminate the lumps. Hang onto that thought while I continue the next part.

I mentioned quite a while ago that it was time for me to get new bras because mine were way too big, not to mention that I lost two of my bras to old age, natural causes. So, I have PIC #2 measure me for bras because I specifically wanted Essential Bodywear (The Bra Doctor) bras like the ones I currently wear. I would like to mention that I went down quite a few inches, too!!! I found an awesome package deal on their site that includes bras and smoothing panties! Ordered. I get the bras, they don't fit at all!!! The good news is the ultra non-sexy panties fit like a dream. Granny panties in the house and on my ass. Sweet! So, I went to get remeasured, try on the sizes and get a special code for exchange. What a fiasco for BRAS. Wow. Hopefully they will be here soon. I intend to take a before and after pic of me in the set FULLY CLOTHED to show the difference.

All of the clothes I bought in Vegas are now too big. Go figure. I splurge on something nice for myself and basically someone ripped the clothes out of my hands and slapped me with them. I'm considering having my friend BK help me out with some alterations, but I need the bras before I start pinning the shirts.

Signing off for now, to all of you near and far and to those of you looking up Essential Bodywear right now, until next time...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Working It!

I should be getting Jillian back any day now. I'm hoping to use her for the test run to get back into Insanity. Between my pinched nerve and foot issues, I'm taking it slow so that I don't get my workout privileges revoked for a couple of months. Since the 30 Day Shred is similar to Insanity, except it is Jillian and not Shaun T and the workouts are shorter and less intense, I figure that I would be good to slide back into Insanity by testing the waters. My hope is that it will go smoothly and I will be back with Shaun T and the ever so irritating Tonia in a week and a half.

I've been keeping busy, trying to keep my muscles stretched and working the Tony Little Gazelle like it is the late 90's. It has been excruciatingly hot around here lately, so my walks have been limited to morning walks only with that even being in the mid to upper 80's. Today, I was able to walk all three breaks because we finally got some relief in the weather. Hal.Le.Lu.Jah.

It might even be worth my time to bust Billy out and see how things feel. I'm still not sure how I feel about seeing him first thing in the morning. I'm still a bit disappointed in him.

4:15 comes very quick. I find that my desire to be up at that time has greatly depleted since I'm not doing the workout that I want to be doing. I've been fortunate enough that there has been a good movie on TV at that time so I can at least avoid watching rerererereruns of "Full House" and "Dr. Phil." Use those as a last resort. ONLY as a last resort.

It is tough taking it easy. I fight the urge to take off running a lot. No. I'm not a runner. You know that. But it is hard when you are up that early doing your thing and you are wanting to make it worthwhile. I like it when the sweat is visible through my "Team Bill" shirt. And no, I'm not talking about stepping outside for 4.3 minutes to find yourself drenched in sweat from the heat and humidity. I would just like to say that there is something not so badass about wearing a True Blood shirt while on a Gazelle. Sigh. I'm being good, though. I took the doctor's threats upon me seriously because I don't want to do this again or for a lot longer with no other outlets during this time of year.

Signing off for now, to all of you near and far and to those of you wishing this would have been a better post, until next time...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Up and Running!

I've been trying really hard to keep my blog updated daily, but with the summer, it has proven to be a little harder than I would like to admit. I seem to find other things to do other than sitting with my laptop typing out my thoughts and everyday life stuff. You know, the stuff that brings you here to read!!

Let's talk about some food items! We have been doing a lot of grilling lately. A lot of burgers and such. It has been nice. Quick and easy meals. I have moved on from my Rainbow Salad Mix and found that with a bit more effort, I'm able to make something just as delicious. I'm still using iceberg lettuce. I have to admit that I do like it a lot. I love Romaine, but I love iceberg more. Since I cannot find the Rainbow Salad Mix to save anyone's life, I will also admit that it kind of put me out. I was really upset about it for a very long time. I took a break...from salad. Yes, I just admitted a lot there. The last couple of times, I have picked up the iceberg lettuce, a bag of shredded red cabbage, a bag of sugar snap peas, a bag of mini sweet peppers, a pint of grape tomatoes and cucumbers from my sister's garden.

I am not going to spend a lot of time explaining the cabbage and sugar snap peas because these are readily available in the produce section compliments of Dole, I do believe. Rinse and use. Yesssssss. I am however going to talk up the mini sweet bell peppers. These. Are. Wicked. Awesome. I love them. It is a mixed bag of red, yellow and orange peppers. They are tasty and sweet and such a good compliment to the salad mix. I used half a bag for a batch of salad. They are really cute, too!!!  Guess what? Ty LOVED the orange pepper! I was pleased with that. The home-grown cukes are so delicious. I love fresh garden produce. I'm hoping that my parents' garden yields a bit of veggies for me this summer.

We tried a batch of sweet corn a week ago. Not that great. Kind of turns me off to sweet corn when it isn't very good because it is such an amount of effort to shuck corn in 100+ degree heat to have it taste like livestock feed. I'll try another stand soon. Guess what? Ty REFUSES to try sweet corn. Yes, I know he is a bit odd, but are you surprised??? He's MY child. Duh.

I found a great alternative to peanut butter. I was cruising the health market area at the grocery store and found that in addition to the Sunbutter, they have Wowbutter! It really does taste like peanut butter. It is made of soy and although I'm not a big fan of soy (not for taste, for other reasons), I can do this in small amounts to get my craving out of the way. It has been wonderful having "PB" and J sandwiches and "PB" and bananas for a snack! Ba da da da daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I'm loving it!!!

SINGING it off for now, to all of you near and far and to those of you enjoying fresh produce these days, until next time...

Monday, July 9, 2012

My Time

I love being with my family and spending time doing fun things. But as I sit in a massaging chair with a roller going up and down my back, a slight vibration on my upper back, a bit of heat and my feet soaking in a warm jacuzzi like bath, I am reminded why it is so important for me to get out and recharge.

Since Vegas, I have made a great effort to get out and take a break from the "everyday." The everyday thinking about getting back on track. The everyday thinking about what to cook for supper. The everyday thinking about grocery shopping, Target runs, bill paying, work and schedules. The everyday diaper bag packing, laundry doing, attentive momma and wife. The everyday vacuuming, dog scolding, laundry folding, potty cleaning and face wiping. You get the picture? Good!

My point is that the things I love about my life are also the things that will drive me to flip my fricken nut...if I don't continue to take breaks for myself. All of the "everyday" things I listed are much more bearable when I can get out every so often and am free to take a short road trip without having to listen to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, have dinner and drinks with good friends or can just roam around a store without having to cruise up and down each and every toy aisle making commentary on how great of a garbage truck that is.

Our brains need breaks from our everydays. It is wonderful to just not have to think about what I have to do next to keep the household running smoothly...even if it is just for a couple of hours.

It is kind of funny that I'm getting a pedicure while blogging all of this. My mind is relaxed and at peace. My body is doing even better with this girl rubbing salt scrub all over my feet and calf!!!

After this, I will go get handsoap for home and return to watch the remainder of the Home Run Derby with Brett. It's tradition, you know!

Can I just tell you how incredible it is that this gal is now massaging my other calf?!?!?! I could jump outta this chair and kiss her on the mouth!!!!! It has been too long since I came to get one of these (at my favorite place for pedicures). My mind is almost completely blank right now. I just told the gal that I could jump out of my chair and kiss her on the lips. It just kinda came out. She said that was the first time she had ever received that compliment. Yessssss. My job here is done.

I once again encourage you to take a break from your everyday. You won't regret it and you may just enjoy it so much you will do it again.

Signing off for now, to all of you near and far and to those of you needing a break from your everyday, until next time...

Goals Shmoals

I have to set some goals. I feel so aloof and undisciplined. Me no likey. I've got to set some small goals to get me through to the next level to at least help me feel like I am accomplishing something instead of taking one step forward and then two steps back. Cue Paula Abdul if you must. I am!

Okay. The issue here isn't my lack of goals, but in the order in which the goals are completed. My goals are fitness oriented and are pretty targeted. I just need to set the date and start.

I am still trying to lose weight, obviously, so that is the number one goal. I must say it is a bit lofty, since I don't have it broken down to where I want to be at a certain time. But with the next goal, the loss of weight is almost impossible. I am going to lose a lot of inches with the next goal, but weight, not so much.

Moving onward...I want to complete Insanity in full without having to break due to injury. I know, I know, it is making myself believe that I will not be injured during any session of Insanity or in my life in general, since we all know that is a strong possibility with me walking around in shoes or barefoot. Starting Monday, July 16th. AGAIN.

I want to complete another round of TurboFire. I've had enough of a break of Chalene that I think I could handle being with her everyday for 12 weeks.

I did scrub my goal of getting down to Nicole Ritchie weight to become a jockey. This was unrealistic and just plain silly. I think my bones weigh more than a jockey does.

Push-ups - I want to be able to execute push-ups quickly, easily and in more quantities than a half of a push-up at a time.

Pull-up - this is a very long term goal. VERY long term. I would just like to be able to do one. Just one. Referring back to P.E. in high school where my teacher gave me a 1/4 of a pull-up at the beginning of the semester and then 1/2 at the end. Bless his heart.

Okay, I think that is a good start. Things are in progress and I can adjust if I need to. Going to give these a try.

Signing off for now, to all of you near and far and to those of you setting your own goals, until next time...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oh boy...

Okay, it is time to fill you in on what else has gone on in the last couple of months to make me feel like an overall failure and underachiever.

I covered the foot injury and having bronchitis more times than you thought you would hear about it. Then, I got the sinus infection, which I covered as well. Oh yeah, I know what I haven't covered. Brace yourself...shortly after I got back from Vegas, during the recuperation week, there was an evening we were getting ready to go to bed. The pups were on the floor sleeping. Brett went downstairs to get something and I was turning things off upstairs and locking things up, etc. I was on my way to go check on Ty and I went to step over Dutch. Keep in mind that Dutch has cataract in both eyes and I suspect he is starting lose his hearing. When I stepped over him, I startled him, he jumped up and took my right leg with him...across the living room. I hopped as much as I could until the unthinkable happened. It was like my pup had turned into a martial artist and leg swept me. I came crashing down to the floor. Hard.

Fortunate for me, Brett was in the room right underneath me and heard the whole thing. He returned upstairs to ask what that loud noise was to find me still lying on the floor. Don't worry, I was laughing. Dutch was trying to make it up to me, but I told him to take three steps back and he took four. We made up, but I was left with a very sore left hip and thigh as well as a slightly sprained ankle. Go figure.

The other thing I did not cover was the pinched nerve in my left leg. A few weeks ago, right before I got the sinus infection, but well after Dutch walked my leg, I jumped back into working out. Literally and figuratively, if you can have both, but even if you can't, I am taking both right now. Anyhoo, I worked out, no problems. I felt fine, I did just fine and enjoyed it.

I started my day like normal, got ready for work and was getting Ty ready before I left for work and my left shin had a spot that felt like it was on fire. I didn't think too much of it because it went away rather quick. While I was at work, I noticed it again. I pulled up my pant leg and felt the spot and it was cool to the touch, but it felt like I was burning up from the inside out just in the one spot. It went on for a couple of days. I started to get scared. So, what do people do when they have an ailment and start to freak out? Google it? That's right, Google. I Googled it and found that people with similar situations had either a pinched nerve or a neurological disorder. Sigh.

Thankfully, I still have a Neurologist on staff, so after consulting her, it was determined it was a pinched nerve. It wasn't painful, so that was a plus. It was irritating, for sure. Scary? Not anymore. BUTTTTTTTTTT, since I had this pinched nerve, I had to tone it down for a bit and not do the high intensity working out for a while. Sigh.

I took a break and instead was walking and just kept moving. Not a big deal. Things got better, I got back into working it like I know I can. Today, while I was working out, I was feeling pretty good about myself and the stellar job I was doing keeping up with Shaun T and super irritating girl, Tanya. Keep in mind when I am doing Insanity, I am all over the place. It is hard to stay in one spot. I would have a really hard time in class these days. Anyhoo, I'm jumping around, I bump into the recliner. Under the recliner was Tyson's plastic, foam covered bat. It rolled out from underneath the recliner when I bumped into it. I didn't know this until... I landed on it. My right foot landed right on top of that bat and I started to roll around on one leg. For a moment, I felt like I was an act in the circus. I tried really hard to keep my balance and not fall, but this is me we're talking about and there is no other way but to fall. My foot rolled off the bat, rolling my ankle and I came crashing down to the floor.

At 4:45 in the morning, there I am, lying on the basement floor and saying "oh shit." My foot is already throbbing. I stopped Shaun T. Wheeled out my Gazelle and got on that instead with my throbbing foot. Hot, I tell ya. Hot. (Insert numerous eye rolls here)

I can't make this stuff up. It really does happen to me. Too often. But then again, what would I have to write about and entertain you all???? I would just be (gulp) normal.

Signing off for now, to all of you near and far and to those of you wondering how I haven't broken anything lately, until next time...